Unofficial monitoring application for Braiins Pool. It gives you statictics of your Braiins Pool bitcoin account
with use of all your favourite iOS, watchOS and tvOS features.


Apple Watch




Your farm status is on the first place. That's why Slush Watch shows overall farm metrics as well as list of all your miners.
Mining Rewads
All possible information about mining rewards are served in a fresh and easy form.
Braiins Status
Basic Braiins Pool metrics gives you notion about how's your favourite pool doing.
Be still in picture with set of nicelly crafted system widgets.
Lock Screen widgets
Handy Lock Screen widgets gives you instant overview how is your favourite pool and farm doing.
Integrate with Siri
Get most out of you Apple devices with Siri integration. Add voice commands to Siri and have access to Braiins Pool info hands free!
Apple Watch
Condensed version of Slush Watch on your wrist.
Apple TV
Enjoy mining stats on a big screen with Slush Watch for Apple TV.